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WD Presents: 5 WDU Courses, Agent One-on-One Boot Camp Last Call, and More!

This week, we're excited to announce five WDU courses, the last call to register for our Agent One-on-One Boot Camp, and more!

There's always so much happening in the Writer's Digest universe that even staff members have trouble keeping up. As a result, we decided to start collecting what's on the horizon to make it easier for everyone to know what's happening and when.

This week, we're excited to announce five WDU courses, the last call to register for our Agent One-on-One Boot Camp, and more!


5 WDU Courses Begin This Week!

21 Days to Your Novel Outline and Synopsis

This course is designed to help you understand how to craft a winning premise, how to outline your novel, and then how to take both of those things and assemble a synopsis that will act as a guide for you to write your novel and sell it.

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Advanced Novel Writing

Push yourself beyond your comfort zone and take your writing to new heights with this novel writing course, designed specifically for novelists who are looking for detailed feedback on their work. When you take this online course, you won't have weekly reading assignments or lectures. Instead, you'll get to focus solely on completing your novel.

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Build Your Novel Scene by Scene

If you want to learn how to write a story, but aren’t quite ready yet to hunker down and write 10,000 words or so a week, this is the course for you. Build Your Novel Scene by Scene will offer you the impetus, the guidance, the support, and the deadline you need to finally stop talking, start writing, and, ultimately, complete that novel you always said you wanted to write.

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Writing Women's Fiction

You’re not sure how to describe women’s fiction, but when you read it, you know that’s the kind of novel you want to write. They’re the stories you relate to, that grab your heart and your imagination. They make you feel as if you know the characters, as if you’re sharing the journey. But how can you be sure that the story you write fits into the genre you love and captures and keeps your reader’s attention?

By identifying the essential elements that make up women’s fiction, gaining the insight to see inside your main character, and honing the skills needed to bring women’s fiction to life on the page.

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Pitch an Article: Write for Today's Marketplace

This intensive two-week course will teach you how to craft a good pitch letter and do it well. Be ready to mine your life for ideas. Start thinking about a great spin on a topic or an unusual personal experience that you'd like to write about in class.

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Last Chance To Register for Our Agent One-on-One Boot Camp!

As many writers know, agents and editors won't give your work more than 10 pages or so to make an impact. If you haven't got them hooked by then, it's a safe bet you won't be asked for more material. Make sure you've got the kind of opening they're looking for! In this invaluable event, you'll get to work with an agent to review and refine the first 10 pages of your novel or non-fiction book. You'll learn what keeps an agent reading, what are the most common mistakes that make them stop, and the steps you need to take to correct them. The best part is that you'll be working directly with an agent, who will provide feedback specific to your work.

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Register For Our Virtual Novel Writing Conference!

Writer's Digest University is pleased to present an exclusive virtual conference for novel writers! On January 28-29, our Novel Writing Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from SEVEN award-winning and bestselling authors on the finer points of how to write a novel. Spend the weekend learning techniques for honing your craft skills, refining your characters, exploring the future of publishing, and getting the tools you need to advance your career as a writer from seven different published authors, then (if you choose) pitch your novel via query letter to a literary agent. The agent will provide you with a personalized critique of your query – and maybe ask to see more.

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Listen to Our Newest Episode of Writer's Digest Presents!

How do you define success as a writer? Is it the finished, published novel on bookshelves? The story in a literary journal? Writing a sentence a day? Success can take many forms throughout the writing process. In this episode of Writer's Digest Presents, the WD editors sit down for a discussion on how to define success as a writer.


Watch The Podcast Episode On YouTube!


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