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Writer's Digest's Best Genre/Niche Websites 2022

Here are the top genre and niche websites as identified in the 24th Annual 101 Best Websites from the May/June 2022 issue of Writer's Digest.

Here are the top genre and niche websites as identified in the 24th Annual 101 Best Websites from the May/June 2022 issue of Writer's Digest.

Children’s, MG, YA

Lee and Low Books Open Book Blog

An independent publisher specializing in diversity, race, and education in children’s books, their goal is to publish stories that children of color can identify with and that all children can enjoy, as well as work with authors and illustrators of color.

Go Teen Writers

Created by author Stephanie Morrill in 2010, Go Teen Writers is a resource and community-building website for young writers to work on their writing, ask craft-related questions, and share their work in a safe and encouraging environment.

KidLit 411

Founded by picture book and middle-grade author Elaine Kiely Kearns, this site includes articles and resources grouped by topic (like diversity in children’s literature), author and illustrator spotlights, and the Weekly 411, a weekly update that compiles all new links and sources.

Reading With a Chance of Tacos

This is a resource about all things kid lit—both for building readers and for writers. From book reviews to podcast episodes with author interviews, articles on craft, giveaways, and more, Reading With a Chance of Tacos is a celebration of children’s literature.

Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators

The SCBWI is filled to the brim with resources for writers and illustrators working on children’s books, middle-grade, and young adult literature. From local chapters where you can attend meetings and events to grants and scholarships to a podcast, you’ll find the resources you need. While some opportunities are only for members, you don’t have to have any publications to join.

Creative Nonfiction


For more than two decades, this literary journal has published micro nonfiction from emerging and established writers, as well as focusing on craft articles and book reviews. You can read current and archived issues for free on the site, as well as visit their blog.

Hippocampus Magazine

We rarely recommend a market that has a submission fee, but this creative nonfiction magazine is the exception. The fee is minimal ($3), it’s volunteer-run, and they offer a waiver for those who need it. The online magazine also includes articles specifically about the craft of writing nonfiction and the writing life.

Nonfiction Authors Association

The NFAA provides equational resources and a supportive community for authors of nonfiction books, including podcast interviews, writing courses, and more.


The Editorial Freelancers Association

The EFA is a not-for-profit organization whose members are editors, writers, indexers, translators, desktop publishers, and more. Their site has free information about editorial rates, hiring basics, and a job board. A one-year membership is $145 with a $35 signup fee; a two-year membership is $260 with a $35 signup fee.

Freelancer FAQs

By freelancers for freelancers, Freelancer FAQs offers advice about every part of the freelance lifestyle—from preparing for tax season to setting up a portfolio of your work and enhancing your communication with clients.

Freelancers Union

Since 1995, this organization is focused on the health and safety of all freelancers, contractors, and entrepreneurs. Membership is free and gives you access to insurance benefits, community (including in-person meetups in over 25 cities), advocacy for policy changes, and resources for legal and financial tools.

All Freelance Writing

For more than a decade, this site has helped writers build successful freelance writing careers through resources, advice, and tips. Owned by freelance business writer and author Jennifer Mattern, All Freelance Writing examines the business of freelance writing for writers who are ready to get to work.


Historical Novel Society

This literary organization provides writers resources like a quarterly magazine, online articles (broken down by time, location, author), and book reviews. They also host a conference featuring sessions with some of the best historical novelists alongside publishing industry professionals.


Horror Tree

Created in 2011, Horror Tree is a resource for genre fiction authors to discover the latest horror publishing opportunities, including anthologies, novels, magazines, and more. They also offer articles on craft and include guest posts.

Horror Writers Association

This nonprofit’s goal is to support authors of horror and dark fantasy across the globe. Their free blog focuses on all subjects from health insurance information for writers in various countries to interrogating classic literature. Membership tiers vary from $59/year to $135/year.


Asian American Journalists Association

With more than 20 chapters in the U.S. and Asia, AAJA has been at the forefront of advocating for diversity in journalism, as well as ensuring accurate reporting of Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and other communities of color for 40 years. Membership dues range from $25/year for an individual to $1,500/year for corporations.

Nieman Storyboard

The Nieman Storyboard is a great place for journalists and other nonfiction writers to pitch ideas and read compelling journalism. With 11 categories, the articles will help you improve your craft by breaking down and analyzing the techniques and research that make a story successful.


For nearly a century, Quill has been a regularly used resource for journalists, industry leaders, and students—offering a published issue once a quarter, online articles, and more.


Crime Writers of Color

An informal organization aiming to support and showcase writers who “self-identify as crime/mystery writers from traditionally underrepresented racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds,” this organization features a searchable database of books, authors who are available for speaking engagements, and the fantastic “Crime Writers of Color Podcast.”

Mystery Writers of America

MWA is an organization for mystery writers, aspiring crime writers, and others devoted to the genre. They also provide writing scholarships, sponsorships, and more. Writers can apply online or print an application out, and there is no initiation fee.

The Kill Zone

This blog features craft- and business-related posts by 11 top suspense writers and publishing professionals. They feature critiques for writers looking for feedback on the first page of their manuscript—each critique is done anonymously, meaning the name of the writer won’t be published publicly.


New Play Exchange®

The NPX is a digital library housing over 40,000 scripts by more than 10,000 living writers—an opportunity to share and read work and connect with theaters and other organizations. Fees are two-tiered: the Writer Pro subscription stands at $18/year and the Reader Pro at $12/year.


Poetry Foundation

Established in 2003 (but also home of the Poetry magazine which began in 1912) this hub of resources and events supports poets of all ages and raises the stature of poets and poetry in the culture at large. The Foundation hosts numerous podcasts, newsletters, and collections of poetry that are free to anyone.

Power Poetry

This is the world’s first and largest mobile poetry community for young people—featuring guides for writing better poetry, opportunities to feature your poetry, digital poetry, resources for finding local poetry groups, and more, all free of charge.


With a record of publishing 4,500 poets, this nonprofit promotes writing poetry above all else. Beyond the journal’s quarterly publication, they also run the “Rattlecast” podcast and the Rattle Young Poets Anthology project, which is dedicated to showcasing work from poets aged 15 or younger.


Romance Junkies

While mostly a romance book review website, Romance Junkies also offers resources for writers. Browse the reviews to see what works and what doesn’t in your particular romance subgenre or submit your book to be reviewed by the site for publicity purposes.

Romance Rehab

Romance Rehab is great for writers and readers because it breaks down what works in romance novels, what readers aren’t into, and has a section for authors with tips for marketing, getting customer reviews, and working with book bloggers.

Science Fiction/Fantasy

Richie Billing

Richie Billing, a writer of fantasy and historical fiction, offers The Writers Toolshed. This one-stop-shop is where writers can find short story publishers and e-zines, publishers of novels, book reviewers, and writing groups. You can also find his podcast and writing blog.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America

This nonprofit is home to nearly 2,000 authors, artists, and allied professionals. Membership is between $90–$150 annually, though they have plenty of free features for nonmembers, like their bi-monthly New Release Newsletter and the Writer Beware Blog, which is dedicated to discussing potential scams for writers and freelancers alike.


An online magazine and community, Tor regularly publishes original short fiction by emerging and established writers of sci-fi and fantasy, as well as daily commentary on the craft, media, and genre-related subjects.

Liminal Fiction

Run by J. Scott Coatsworth and his husband Mark Guzman, Liminal Fiction maintains a directory of science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and horror titles, including publishers, distributors, and the authors themselves. Joining is free of charge and includes four free e-books upon sign-up.



B2W is a resource haven for screenwriters, novelists, and freelance writers, run by author Lucy V. Hay. With a focus on genre, submissions, characterizations, social media, and common writing mistakes, B2W offers courses, workshops, e-books, PDF downloads, and more, ranging in prices, including some which are permanently free.

Go Into the Story

Run by writer Scott Myers, Go Into the Story has over 20,000 blog posts that cover every aspect of the screenwriting experience. They have more than 100 subjects to browse and the opportunity to reach out directly to Myers for additional script-related questions.

International Screenwriters’ Association

The ISA aims “to help proactive screenwriters improve their craft, make connections, and forge a career doing what they love most—writing.” With plenty of free resources available in the Basic membership (like writing opportunities and the podcast), upgrade to a paid membership to receive free contest entries, access to online events and webinars, and much more.

Save the Cat

Resources for novel and screenwriters based on the work of Blake Snyder, this site’s focus is to explain easy ways to structure your work. The site provides free templates and tips, as well as the “Save the Cat! Podcast.”


American Jewish Press Association

Founded in 1944, this not-for-profit's membership consists of newspapers, magazines, websites, and Jewish media organizations, as well as individual journalists throughout the U.S. and Canada. Their Freelancer Directory is free and available to members and non-members. Individual membership costs $105/year.

Blue Ridge Conference Writers Blog

This annual conference and writing resource is for faith-based writers. Their blog offers tips and insight for every genre, writer, and level of writer, as well as inspiration from writers to keep on the course.

The Write Conversation

This blog, written by Edie Melson and numerous guest bloggers, includes both practical publishing advice and craft-based writing advice, but from a distinctly Christian point of view. While the writers’ lifestyle pieces can help writers feel less alone in what they do, participation in the comments section of the posts is particularly encouraging and kind.

Word Wise at Nonprofit Copywriter

Run by freelance Christian writer Kathy Widenhouse, Word Wise Tips offers shortcuts to simplify and ease the writing process of blog posts, newsletters, web pages, and more. You’ll also learn how to write grant applications, résumés, and cover letters, making this a resource for those whose goals outside of publishing are to harness their writing skills all-around.


Pitch Travel Write

Travel writer Roy Stevenson has cultivated a site for experienced and fledgling writers. There’s a free weekly e-zine that features tips on craft, marketing, press trips, and more. Sign up for the e-zine includes a free e-book download. 

View our best general resources websites roundup here.

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