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Michigan Quarterly Review: Market Spotlight

For this week's market spotlight, we look at Michigan Quarterly Review, the flagship literary journal of the University of Michigan.

Founded in 1962, Michigan Quarterly Review is the flagship literary journal of the University of Michigan. It publishes distinctive poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction (and works of translation) by writers from around the world.

(The Iowa Review: Market Spotlight.)

The editors say, "Our magazine embraces creative urgency and cultural relevance, aiming to challenge conventions and address long-overdue conversations. As we continue to promote an expansive and inclusive vision, we seek work from established and emerging writers with diverse aesthetics and experiences."

This is a paying market, and they accept submissions twice a year (January 15 to April 1 and August 1 to November 1).

What They're Looking For

Michigan Quarterly Review seeks literary writing in a variety of genres, including poetry, short stories, nonfiction, and translations. Prose submissions should be between 1,500 and 7,000 words. Poets can submit three to six poems (not to exceed 12 total pages) in one document. Translations should follow the appropriate guidelines for genre of the original work, whether that's prose or poetry.

The editors say, "Please do not submit previously published work, including work published on a personal website."

Simultaneous submissions are fine, but writers should contact the editors if their work is accepted elsewhere.

How to Submit

Potential writers can submit their work in their stated open submission periods on their Submittable page.

Click here to learn more and submit.


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